It’s Super to See a Superbloom. Let’s Go!
This year southern California got soaked by lots of downpours. It’s wonderful for wildflower enthusiasts since southern Cal is likely to enjoy a spectacular superbloom this year.
We can check all the boxes for the components of a a superbloom: 1. A very good rain year. Not just one avalanche of rain but several weeks of intermittent but plentiful rainfall. 2. Cool night weather 3. and lots of seeds.
What are some of the wild flowers are you most likely to see? Brittlebush (yellow), California Poppies (bright orange), Bluebells(deep purples) Lupine (royal purple), Sand Verbena (tones of gold), and Dessert Sunflowers (yellow). When you check each park’s websites you will find more information about the wildflowers found in each park.
Unless you live in or near Joshua Tree, Malibu, Death Valley, Walker Canyon, Lake Elsinore parts of Encinitas, chances are you will have to take a bit of a drive to witness the spring blooms.
Plan on spending a half or full day for your wildflower seeking adventure. It will be brilliant!
Here are some tips to consider and sites to help you plan your day.
Before you Go.
The wildflower season is just kicking off. How long it lasts depends upon the weather.
Weather. Keep on eye on the weather. If it’s too hot or cold the blooms won’t last long. It can be raining in the Los Angeles area while hot in Joshua Tree. Each wildflower location has a different weather experience so be sure to check the weather in that area of southern California as well as the location website.
Best days to go. If you want to avoid the crowds, go during the week. The roads and trails get very crowded on the weekends. One year many wildflower seekers were disappointed when a wildflower got so crowded that park rangers closed the park.
Be an early bird. Leave early in the day to insure you get the best light and deal with the least crowds.
Stay on the path, please!
Tread lightly. You don’t want to get it trouble. Even though it might be very tempting to tip toe through the wildflowers and take one or two, you need to know it is against the law to remove a plant, a shrub, a flower or any living growth from public lands. Don’t be tempted to take one from a private lawn or land either without the owner’s permission. And don’t leave any garbage anywhere.
Again, no matter how tempted.. . . Don’t pick anything. Stay on the path. Don’t even for a second get off the path and crush the plants.The seeds from those plants are needed for blooms the next year.
What to wear. Bring a hat! Many of the parks offer little or no shade. Wear comfortable shoes.
Long pants might be a good idea.
Watch out for snakes!
Be on snake alert. It’s alway possible to meet a snake along the way. Stay on the path. You might want to ditch the shorts and wear long pants for a little extra protection.
Stay hydrated. Make sure you bring lots of water, you won’t get opportunities to find water.
Pee before you go. Before you get to the park or trail make sure you take a bathroom break. Some have restrooms, many do not. There won’t be too many places to hide if you have to use the facilities. Check the park’s website for details.
No pet pals allowed
No pet pals allowed. Most parks don't allow pets unless they're legit service dogs. Leaving your pup pal in a hot car is a big no-no – don’t ruin the day with animal cruelty charges. Check the website before you go.
Now you know the rules!
Where to see Superblooms
These sites offer “flower blooming updates” that will help you decide when is the best time for you to plan your trip.
Orange County Laguna Coast Wilderness Park
Joshua Tree National Park Wildflower Watch
Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve and parts of Malibu are the closest areas to seek out the blooms if you live in the Los Angeles area.
And be sure to check out:
Facebook: Desert Wildflowers and Wildlife. This is a terrific way to figure out where the blooms are the most spectacular. Photographers post photos and videos and indicate where they were taken and how recently.
If you are going to see the blooms, well, that’s just super!!! Enjoy!